Welcome to Dear Frieda, a series of letters.

Comprised of four verticals— Read On, Object Study, Carte Postale, and Life and TimesDear Frieda offers readers a thoughtful cultural digest. Personal essays, reviews, profiles, and more.

Expect at least two letters a month. These essays will be thoughtful, but eclectic—a little slice of Lauren, if you will. I’m interested in object studies, personal essays, the importance of place, and the art forms that inspire us to think differently. I’ll also add in book recommendations and the odd link or nod to what’s happening in the outer world.

Who am I? Lauren Sarazen is a LA-born, Paris-based writer interested in the intersection between relationships, place, and the uncanny. As a freelancer, I keep myself busy as journalist, editor, copywriter, and communications strategist. You can read some of my published work in Elle, The London Magazine, Shondaland, and The Washington Post, among others.

Why title this space Dear Frieda? I’m a reluctant convert to Substack, but an avid diarist. Worried my thoughts better belonged in my journal or in a letter, I decided this would be just that: a series of letters. But who would honestly care about my navel gazing?! My great-grandma, that’s who. Voilà.

Why should you become a paid subscriber? Combined with the disintegration of traditional media outlets and the rise of AI, the current landscape doesn’t bode well for the writers. I would love it if this space could grow until I’m writing for you every day, publishing like your favorite online magazine. Paid subscriptions can help make that happen. I’ll swap you a fiver for two essays per month—maybe more—with potential for growth down the line. Skip one flat white and help a gal out.

Subscribe to Dear Frieda

Dear Frieda is a series of letters. Comprised of four verticals— Read On, Object Study, Carte Postale, and Life and Times —Dear Frieda is a thoughtful cultural digest. Personal essays, reviews, profiles, and more!


Lauren Sarazen is a freelance writer who lives in Paris, France. https://lauren.paris